Food sensitivities? Ready to uncover YOUR best foods and regain control over how you feel?
Let's explore together...

Sussing out food sensitivities is like playing detective and there's a gold-standard way to go about it.


It's called an elimination diet and if that sounds like deprivation, fear not, there are very delicious - and FUN - ways to explore and test.


And I've put together a new (and totally free) place to teach you exactly how *I* do it...


-- Introducing --

Food Reaction Freedom:
Find Your Best Foods with Project Vibrancy

a private FB group created just for you.


Together we'll sleuth and discover the nourishing foods that make us feel amazing while minimizing symptoms of food reactions like bloating, brain fog, skin problems, headaches, low energy, poor gut health, and autoimmune disease symptoms.


At Project Vibrancy, we are all about abundance, big flavors, and join us, won't you?


Are you ready to find YOUR best foods?