Sisters of the Rose Collective™ Membership

Sisters of the Rose Collective ™
Launching in July

Is a monthly membership. A sacred sanctuary, a Mystery School for Intuitives, Mystics, Healers, Coaches, Artists, Creatives and Mummys. Who is all about stepping into her Queendom and sovereign power. Connecting with like minded souls on a spiritual quest, for thier spiritual gifts, medicine and to remember who they are and soul's calling. To step into divine holy riches on all levels. Health, wealth and in her relationships.

For those that wish to explore a yogic lifestyle for self therapy and wellbeing ancient Kundalini Yoga practices blending in mantra, movement, breathwork & meditations are available for your emotional, mental wellbeing & freedom.

Monthly Membership Inc:

Founders Rate Teir 1

Sister Circles based on the Luna Cycle

Workshop (topics below)

Ancient practices of Kundalini Yoga, Meditations

& Breathwork for optimal health, wealth & abundance based on the Luna Cycle

Collective Akashic Readings & Soul Guidance

Energy Work & Breathwork

There is an energy that has been lost for centuries and is now returning and reawakening our world as Rose Codes are now being activated within us.

We are all in the midst of great transformation. Many of us are opening up to signs and synchronicities that are manifesting in our lives, and in dreams and visions that we cannot explain which cause us to search for answers.

In this lifetime Sisters and Brothers of the Rose are remembering their true origins and they are beginning to re-meet. The Sisterhood today is a gathering of the Goddess in the realm of the new energies, and acts as a major custodian of the sacred esoteric knowledge and wisdom of the mystery schools whose lineage has at its roots Atlantis and Egypt.

Monthly Workshops around topics like:

  • Healing the Mother & Ancestral Wounds
  • Reclaiming your Inner Witch
  • Healing the Feminine Wound & Sharing your Voice
  • Sacred Wild Woman Medicine

  • Conscious Relationships/Shadow Work/Boundaries
  • Releasing Trauma
  • Somatices/Embodiment practices
  • Sacred Union (Kundalini Activation) through Tantra
  • Connecting with the energy of the Goddesses
  • Divination
  • Energy & Mindset Work
  • Manifesting & Healing in the Akashic Records

Founders Rate Tier 2

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Sister Circles

This is examples of some of what we will explore. You will get to vote on this too... Pop your email address below so we can keep you posted when we launch at founders rates!

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice. Known to be the Yoga of awareness. Over 400. years old this ancient practice helps us to reconnect with who we are on a soul level. A blend of mantra, breathwork, movement, sound - chanting, singing. The yoga of devotion, (Bhakti) and the (Raja,) yoga mental, and physical control and meditation.

A well-taught Kundalini yoga class leaves you feeling like you’ve gone to therapy, had an awesome workout in the gym, made it to your yoga mat and enjoyed a fun singing session with friends. The purpose of Kundalini yoga is to provide a modality by which people can achieve their maximum creative potential, free themselves from Karma (the lasting effects of past actions) and realize their life purpose. Experiencing a Kundalini awakening is like being given the secret code to life. You will be ready to fire your life coach because now you know more than he/she does.

Aw world renowned Tantra Teacher, Kara Leigh Grant explains: "When Kundalini, Shakti awakens, a person may experience deeper empathy with others, and this empathy can almost become telepathic. There is greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic abilities or deep knowing, aging can appear to slow down, creativity and charisma can increase, as can internal peace and knowing. There is a sense of being part of All that Is. The greater mysteries of life are no longer mysteries."

Sarah is a Writer, Mystic, Intuitive Channel, Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher. Founder of Empress Rising Mystery School.

The membership particularly focuses on your relationship to self. You self awareness, to know your shadow, create healthier boundaries for yourself, releasing any toxicity to attract higher vibrational relationships. And we all need that!

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