Get the latest updates, information, and offers for membership professionals and gain free access to the Onboarding. 270 Days to Value Meminarâ„¢. is for membership professionals that have a passion for membership and are nurturing and cultivating a membership program like a well-tended garden. This site also strives to bridge the gap between the many types of membership programs like associations, societies, religious organizations (churches, synagogues, etc.), golf/country clubs, gyms/fitness centers, chambers of commerce, membership sites, and other types of clubs and organizations that maintain membership programs and find value in asking people and businesses to join and belong. By bringing all of these membership worlds together, visitors can share best practices and information, improve the effectiveness of their membership programs, drive the membership concept forward, and raise awareness of the importance of the role of a membership professional.
If your organization has membership at the core of its business model, then membership is your business and is here to help you grow.