A Gift From BlueVeilWellness..

Healthy Snacks and Appetizers eBook

😋👨🍳This ebook is packed with tips, swaps, tricks and recipes help you meet your goals without depriving your tastebuds of tasty treats!

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    Healthy Swap Ideas


    🍌🐵It contains a dozen AMAZING recipes … plus healthy snack swap ideas to satisfy your pizza, ice cream, or potato chips cravings.


    Handy Portion Size Guide


    ✋You’ll also get a handy portion size guide and along with a
    cheat sheet of snacks under 100 calories. 🖐


    Feel the improvement


    👯‍♂️It’s amazing how much better you feel when you eat real “whole” foods vs. processed/manufactured food products! You have more energy, your mood improves
    AND your skin glows!