-- From Introvert to Introvert -- Why you don’t need to spend the rest of your life pretending to be an extrovert in order to speak up & get noticed at work, in business, and beyond!
no matter where you are in your career — whether you’re just starting out in the corporate world, working your way toward a bigger opportunity, or running your own company — you have to connect with others and nurture meaningful relationships if you want to be seen, heard, and valued.

But that’s a lot easier for extroverts, who crave and thrive off socializing.

Introverts, like me and probably like you, are perfectly fine socializing… but only up to a point! After that, we max out and need to recharge on our own before we feel recalibrated enough to put ourselves out there again and interact with our boss, colleagues, friends, and peers.

So what’s an introvert to do in a world that seems optimized for extroverts?

Through this 5-day mini-course, I’ll share the most effective communication techniques that helped me excel as an introvert, giving you actionable tools you can start doing right away to help you find success on terms that feel right and natural to you.

Here’s what we’ll cover over email:

DAY 1: What does it mean to be an introvert

DAY 2: How to be an introvert and a social butterfly at the same time

DAY 3: Networking as an introvert

DAY 4: How to be more assertive as an introvert at work

DAY 5: The introvert’s Golden Rule to interviewing

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In case we haven’t met yet, my name is Sahar and I’m a certified communication skills trainer. Through my company, Sahar L. Mandi Consulting, I work with ambitious professionals to develop their public speaking & communication capabilities, so that they can confidently express their thoughts, ideas, and overall worth in any setting they find themselves in.

With over 9+ years of experience in the marketplace, my background in PR & Marketing includes tenure at up-and-coming tech startups, as well as established global organizations such as CNN, NBCUniversal, E! Entertainment, and TBS/TNT.

For more information, please visit www.saharmandi.com or email me directly at info@saharmandi.com.

Want more? You can: Follow me on Instagram | Learn about why I got into coaching | Listen to me on a podcast 

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So excited to go on this mini-journey with you!

-- From introvert to introvert -- start the free 3-day program here!

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